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Jun. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain [WEB 3]

Jun. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain [WEB 3]

Author: zhabkaEZ

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Podcast about WEB 3, Blockchains in cryptocurrencies.

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47 Episodes
No. Don't use Aleo. They don't care about their community.
We are now in a world with an unbelievable lack of privacy. Companies are irresponsible about the storage of personal information — they sell it, or they care little about its security, which is why so many thefts happen. On this note, Bitcoin began to gain popularity.In 2017, when many came to the crypto market, people mistakenly believed that bitcoin was private when in reality it could be called pseudo-privacy. Now there are fewer such misunderstandings, but there is also no proper solution to the problem — the complete openness of the entire network, moreover, for everyone. Here Iron Fish comes to help us with its blockchain and cryptocurrency. in the presence of partial synchrony. round-optimized schnorr threshold signatures. - 10 Minimal piano piecesMore platforms
Mentioned: - 10 Minimal piano piecesMore platforms -
All episodes before this one (including) were recorded 2 years ago.More platforms -
Even if you are a developer this episode might be interesting for you.In recent years, programming has become more and more popular. In this episode, we'll talk about the reasons for this rapid growth. And yes, it's not just about money, although it seems to me that they START doing it, mainly because of them. So, are going to consider 5 other reasons.More platforms -
React JS. Features and description.Yeah, the sound is not the best.Components:1 ReactDOM.render(<Greeter greeting="Hello World!" />, 2 document.getElementById('myReactApp'));An example of JSX code:1 class App extends React.Component { 2 render() { 3  return ( 4   <div> 5    <p>Header</p> 6    <p>Content</p> 7    <p>Footer</p> 8   </div> 9  );10 }11 }More platforms - free to contact me on LinkedIn
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Is Django a good choice for the SAAS solution (users subdomains handling, scalability, multi-database, speed)?SourceLinkedin Feel free to contact me.
Model inheritance in Django works almost identically to the way normal class inheritance works in Python, but the basics at the beginning of the page should still be followed. That means the base class should subclass django.db.models.Model.The only decision you have to make is whether you want the parent models to be models in their own right (with their own database tables), or if the parents are just holders of common information that will only be visible through the child models.There are three styles of inheritance that are possible in Django.Often, you will just want to use the parent class to hold information that you don’t want to have to type out for each child model. This class isn’t going to ever be used in isolation, so Abstract base classes are what you’re after.If you’re subclassing an existing model (perhaps something from another application entirely) and want each model to have its own database table, Multi-table inheritance is the way to go.Finally, if you only want to modify the Python-level behavior of a model, without changing the models fields in any way, you can use Proxy models.…Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
In this episode, we are going to take a look at some funny comments.Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
Django FAQ

Django FAQ

2021-12-0804:15 Feel free to contact me.
Django is full of shortcuts to make Web developers’ lives easier, but all those tools are of no use if you can’t easily deploy your sites. Since Django’s inception, ease of deployment has been a major goal.There are many options for deploying your Django application, based on your architecture or your particular business needs, but that discussion is outside the scope of what Django can give you as guidance.Django, being a web framework, needs a web server in order to operate. And since most web servers don’t natively speak Python, we need an interface to make that communication happen.…Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
In this episode we are going to consider the following interview questions:What is Django ORM?What is a Model in Django and what is the Model class?How does Django Templating Work?What are View functions? Can we directly import a function in URL?What is Jinja Templating?……Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
1) I automated the Right Swipe on Tinder.It’s actually far simpler than you think.One fine lonely day, when I opened up the app, it proudly proclaimed to have launched a website too, quite similar to WhatsApp web. Yeah, that would indeed be more convenient.So having nothing better to do, I closed down the app and opened up the webpage to spend some more time looking at selfies of girls that I’m quite sure haven’t opened the app for at least one month...…Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
Often in development, there’s a lot of trial, error, and correction that goes into creating something that actually works the way it’s supposed to. That’s where version control comes in.Version control is like a savings program for your project. By tracking and logging the changes you make to your file or file sets over time, a version-control system gives you the power to review or even restore earlier versions. Version control takes snapshots of every revision to your project. You can then access these versions to compare or restore them as needed.……Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
Written as a series of self-contained sections and filled with entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, The Pragmatic Programmer illustrates the best practices and major pitfalls of many different aspects of software development.Whether you're a new coder, an experienced programmer, or a manager responsible for software projects, use these lessons daily, and you'll quickly see improvements in personal productivity, accuracy, and job satisfaction. You'll learn skills and develop habits and attitudes that form the foundation for long-term success in your career. You'll become a Pragmatic Programmer.…………
This episode explains some of the fundamental philosophies Django’s developers have used in creating the framework.Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the code is improved so that the tests pass. This is opposed to software development that allows code to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.……Linkedin Feel free to contact me.
Django Security Tips

Django Security Tips


Tip 1. Carefully handle user uploads If your web application allows users to upload files, you are opening yourself to an attack vector and the upload logic should, therefore, be handled carefully. It is important to validate all uploaded files to be sure they are what you expect (for instance, an image file and not a PHP script!) If your site accepts file uploads, it is strongly advised that you limit these uploads in your Web server configuration to a reasonable size in order to prevent denial of service (DOS) attacks.Recommendation:…Sources:…… Feel free to contact me.